5 Practical Habits of The Frequently Published

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Are you ready to sign off on your first published project or publish more of what you have already written? Have you been wondering who will publish your work? The publishing industry is changing in the new millennium and doesn’t appear ready to stop changing. It is estimated that in the next 10 years, 50 percent of all books will be self-published or published by smaller presses. Even so, it should not exempt us from the pursuit of excellence in our craft through sound writing rules and business etiquette.

With that said the way to more published writing credits is basically the same as Anne Wayman says, “Write well and write often.” If you want to get published more by industry respected magazines and even enter into the competition for the attention of traditional book publishers, you may want to examine some of your writing habits. There are some habits those writers who consistently get published share. If you want to join the winner’s circle of frequently published writers develop these habits:

Habit #1 Develop and maintain a strong sense of professionalism

Frequently published writers know they are not just creative artists. They know publishing is a business. They realize as a writer they supply a product to the publisher or directly to the customer. The writer that comes to terms with producing their writing as a product develops a professional attitude. He seeks to develop the most excellent product that will satisfy the demands of its consumers. The professional writer follows the basic rules of business etiquette. For example, they use crisp, clean paper for letterhead. They never handwrite letters or manuscripts. They always include a SASE with each query.

Habit #2 Write your best, always.

Unseasoned writers and those who lack professionalism always seem to be saving their best effort for later. Other writers who save their best for the next project often procrastinate themselves out of enough time to do a good job. Some feel the buyer has left them no profit, so they give them what they feel they paid for. The solution though it may not be quickly is to always do your best. This practice works well with the universal law that says, ‘What you give comes back around to you.” When you continually give your best – the best is always coming to you – the best assignments, the best rewards, and the best credit. So write your best and expect the best.

Habit #3 Tap your passions and spread your joy to the world

Most writers who publish often are passionate people. They make the most of their passions through their writing topics. As many of you do, the author has varied interests. She has had to streamline and focus more than several times over the years. The greater the numbers of things you attempt to focus on the less effective you become. Two of her passions have burned brightly in her life in the last decade her writing and web development business. So its no surprise her published credits line up in the writing arena and internet/computer category. Identify your passions and you will rake in the publishing credits. Your joy will be contagious with editors contacting you to publish your work.

Habit #4 Write compelling leads and hook your editors and readers

The lead often called the “hook,’ because it hooks the reader – is the first few sentences or paragraphs of whatever you are writing. The job of the hook is to draw the reader in to read more. Frequently published authors realize strong leads are not just for good journalism. Strong leads are for plain good writing. Use strong leads with everything you write, from non-fiction articles to good stories, from query letters to book proposals. Use a compelling lead at the beginning of every chapter in both non-fiction and fiction. If you are writing an article, write a strong hook each time you transition to a new idea. A strong hook for an article may make the difference between selling it to an editor and not selling it. There are different kinds of leads. Stories that set a scene or mood, startling facts, interesting statistics that spark interest are often components of a strong lead. The question lead entices readers to keep reading to learn the answer.

Habit #5 Develop Sizzling Titles and Headings

Successful writers sizzle their titles and headings. They know the title may well be 90% of the pulling power for their project. An excellent title is short. The best selling titles are benefit driven. Don’t forget to heat them up with emotion. Use terms your audience can relate to. Use action words and verbs. Quantify change with ways and time limits. Use one or two word ideas to tell a story. Pledge change. Spark interest. Instead of How to Write an E-book a client author chose the title Ten Secrets to Write Your E-book Like a Winner. She quantified change, sparked interest and branded her title.

Have a meeting of the minds with friends or associates. Let them help you choose the best title from the list. Find out which will make them want to read your project. Pinpoint the sizzling one and the same title may capture your editor’s attention as well.

In the beginning, the acceptances are slow and sporadic for the successful and unsuccessful writer alike. But the difference is the successful writer keeps submitting. On a regular basis they see their work published because of their investment and persistence. Start with 1-3, keep submitting, and be persistent until you are invited into the winner’s circle of frequently published writers. For more on this subject download this week’s free ebook – How To Write A Book Guide: One Page Book Proposal http://booksbyearma.com

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