Writing A Book God's Way In 100 Days
Week 1: Quick Start Guide;Book Coaching Session; 100 Days Goal; Choose Writing Method.
Week 2: Select Topic; Target Audience and Get to Know Potential Reader; Mine The Gold
Week 3: Decide Your Strategy; Create An Outline and Table of Contents. Write Chapter One.
Week 4: Write Or Speak Your First Draft. Write Chapter Two.
Week 5: BUILDD A Lead Generating Book. Write Chapter Three.
Week 6: Edit Your Draft. Outsource or Self-Edit. Write Chapter Four.
Week 7: Book Promotion; Make up Chapters; Group Coaching Sign-Ups
Week 8: Book Title Tutorial. Write Chapter Five.
Week 9: Finish FASTER. Write Chapter Six or Summary.
Week 10: Multiple Money Streams; Product Funnel; Create Back Matter, Part I.
Week 11: eBook It! Create Back Matter, Part II.
Week 12: What’s Next: Publish Your Way.
Core Process
1. Get started quickly. Decide when you will write and the method. Use 100 Days Quick Start Guide. Watch the How To Write A Book In 100 Days or Less lesson. Optional Resources: The Power of 100 Day Goal; Complete the Book Coaching Session and First Chapter Challenge.
2. Select your book topic and get to know your potential reader. Find book buyers before Chapter One. Optional Resources: Take the Book Success Assessments: Will My Book Sell Test? Give your Book Idea The Test of Significance. Mine the Gold Called Your Knowledge Lesson. Pull and organize information from your knowledge base, experience and/or research.
3. Decide your strategy & outline. Choose and personalize outlines and one of the mini-organizational plans. Create rough draft power outline and table of contents. Optional lesson. Creating EZ Outlines (Write Chapter One.)
4. Write or Speak Your First Draft. Write a plan for what you want to do with your book. Give your book a mission. Then revise outline and/or table of contents and create or use 100 Days chapter template. Read & Implement Three Step Chapter Writing. Write or speak first rough draft with e Step Chapter Writing and Optional: How To Write Compelling C.H.A.P.T.E.R.S. lesson or (Write Chapter Two.)
5. BUILDD A 24/7 Lead Generating Book (NEW) Compile your book elements into a lead generating book that works for you 24/7.
6. Edit your book, DIY or Outsource to Book Editor. Use the self-editing guide and Editor/Writer’s Resource List. Fill in any holes with research material. Optional Lesson: EZ Research. (Write Chapter Three.)
7. Book Promotion. Explore and book marketing using the Book Money Plan and LAUNCH Formula. (Write Chapter Four.)
8. Book Title Tutorial. Learn to create a grab-you-by-the-collar-book-title. (Write Chapter Five.)
9. How To Finish FASTER And Sell Sooner. (Write Chapter Six or Summary Chapter.)
10. Ebook It: Plan Your Product Funnel starting with the Ebook It System!
11. Learn How To Build Multiple Money Streams Starting With Your Book. (Compile Back Matter, Part I: End Notes, Resource List, Study Guide, Appendix, Index.)
12. Publish Your Way. Overview of your options to publish your new manuscript. (Compile Back Matter, Part II: What’s Next Chapter, Classy Brochure style catalog of your other books, products and services.)
About Instructor
100Days Lesson1 How To Write A Book In 100 Days 00:00:00
100Days Lesson 2 Selecting A Topic 00:00:00
100Days Lesson3 Deciding Your Strategy 00:00:00
100Days Lesson4 Write Or Speak Your First Draft 00:00:00